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Applications due by March 31, 2025

How to apply for a scholarship

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                                Helping Students In Need Achieve Their Educational Goals

The purpose of these funds is to provide financial assistance for education and development to students who have limited financial resources available to them. The support is to help them attend an accredited Community College, University, Technical or Vocational School or Program for the purpose of completing a Certificate, License, Associate, Undergraduate or Graduate Degree Program.



Scholarship awards of the annual $3,000 per year for the 2024 - 2025 school year include:


Theresa Kay Wolf Educational and Development Scholarship Fund


Launched in 2024, the Kay Wolf Educational and Development Scholarship Fund  will be awarded based on verifiable financial need. Grades, extracurricular activities, community involvement and interview skills will also be taken into consideration. 


Kay Wolf  served as president of WAVES ten years. The Scholarship Fund was created in her memory after her death in 2023.

                   Matching Gift offered for donation to this Scholarship Fund:

Matt Wolf is offering to match all donations up to $5,000 to the

Theresa Kay Wolf Educational and Development Scholarship Fund.


 Go here to read about the scholarship fund and go here or to any DONATE button to donate. On the donate page identify the fund name in the Special Instructions link.​


Phillip A. Cook Memorial Education & Development Fund – 1 students


 Launched in 2012, proceeds from the Phillip A. Cook Memorial Golf Tournament provide scholarships to students with passing grades and a verified financial need. The Phillip A. Cook Memorial Golf Tournament, held in the springtime, is the source of funds for all of the student recipients.  


The H & C Family Charitable Fund- 1 student


New in the 2022 - 2023 school year this scholarship is provided from a personal trust and awarded to a graduating senior with passing grades and a verified financial need. The award is a committment for up to four years of school as long as the requirements to continue are met. 


The St. James Service Club Scholarship - 3 students (for two years)


In the first year for this scholarship the St James Service Club went big at the outset. Their $12,000 fund has been allocated to two deserving students with a commitment of two years each as long as their requirements to continue are met. A third student was funded in 2024 with a two year commitment.




This school year WAVES 4 K.I.D.S. used funds from it's general fund to award a $3,000 scholarship to a student who progressed to graduate school and showed a verifiable need for support as well as deserving commitment and talent.


Scholarships by year Feb 24.jpg

Scholarship funds administered by WAVES 4 K.I.D.S. are awarded to students with limited financial resources.  When they meet the published criteria each semester, the awards may be given for a maximum of four years undergraduate and then graduate programs as well.  WAVES 4 K.I.D.S. has provided more than $100,000 in scholarships from 2013 through 2018 to help students achieve their educational goals.


Scholarship recipients must be U.S. citizens or lawful residents of the U.S. and:

  • Have current or prior involvement with Brunswick County Department of Social Services OR

      Be a Brunswick County resident living in a difficult situation with a verified financial need OR

     As consideration for the Selena Wolf Education Fund, recipient must be designated as a sophomore. 

  • Be a graduating senior residing in Brunswick County. Applicants have applied to or are accepted to an accredited 2-year community college, 4-year college/university, or technical/vocational school working toward degree or certification in a chosen vocation may also be considered

  • Provide evidence of financial need by submitting a copy of the Financial Award Package from that school which shows the Cost of Attendance, Need Calculation including Estimated Family Contribution and list of all Financial Aid that has been accepted for the upcoming school year.



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